Pokemon GO has taken the world by storm, and while the initial firestorm of hype has worn off quite a bit, the revolutionary Augmented Reality mobile game still commands a respectable following. Just like with every game, there are dedicated (some would say obsessive) communities of players across the globe. The hope is that one day the game will bring a trading mechanic to add depth to the experience- something that has always been in the main series games and anime.

One of the questions we get asked frequently at AMS Travel Sales is how to avoid the onerous international roaming charges that come with playing Pokemon GO abroad. These roaming fees can add up quickly, and more than one Pokemon GO Trainer has been hit with a nasty bill from the mobile carrier.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prepare before you travel overseas to catch those regional exclusive Pokemon.
Your first step should be to contact your mobile carrier. All of the major carriers have International Data plans that you can sign up for. That way, you'll know what you will be paying for data ahead of time. If the options they have are not ideal, here are some other options to try once you've arrived in your destination!
If you have an unlocked phone, you can purchase a SIM card from a local wireless provider at your destination. These are flat rate data cards, perfect for overseas travel. In case you are unaware, the SIM card is the brains of your phone, and allows it to communicate with the network. Just replace your existing sim with the new one and you'll be instantly connected to the local provider's plan. Nick from Trainer Tips did just this on his recent trip to Australia! When you depart your destination just put your original sim back in!
If you're unable to use a foreign SIM card in your phone, you also have the option of renting a completely new phone in your destination. This comes in handy if you want a dedicated device simply for playing Pokemon GO or other online games. This is often a more expensive way to go, but it does give you the benefit of experimenting with different hardware. Both the SIM cards and rental phones are found in many international airports- where they sell or rent tech supplies such as noise cancelling headphones, e-readers, cameras and other devices.
If neither of these options work for you, it is theoretically possible to play the game using WIFI hotspots in local hotels, restaurants and stores. This really limits your ability to explore, but if you're just looking to keep your streak alive, it may be all you need. Just look for an establishment in range of a Pokestop. (Knowledge of your regions Sponsored Pokestops may be handy.)
Want to catch Regional Pokemon? AMS Travel can get you to Japan, Australia, South America, and more! Just give us a call!
When you've got your phone set up with a data plan, you want to make sure to adjust your phone's settings. Simple settings can help you reign in data usage. First and foremost- set up your App Store (or Google Play) to update ONLY over WIFI. This keeps your phone from downloading huge app files using cellular data.
Similarly, you can add a WIFI only restriction to your email accounts as well- so you're not wasting precious data downloading the latest batch of Out of Office Replies.
These are some quick and easy tips to avoid dreaded international roaming fees while playing Pokemon GO! Of course, these tips and tricks are applicable to anyone who wants to stay connected while traveling abroad, but we Pokemon trainers spend a LOT of time on our phones!
Are you interested in traveling to a new area to capture region exclusive Pokemon like Kangashan, Heracross, Mr. Mime, or Farfetch'd? Maybe a cruise to catch Corsola in the Caribbean? We at AMS Travel Sales can help you do just that! Request a Quote today and tell us where you'd like to adventure next!